Not available because there is less than two windows displayed.
Send the front window to the back.
Not available because the Tips window is already at the front.
Open the Tips window.
Not available because the Transcript window is already at the front or the transcript file could not be opended.
Open the Transcript window.
Not available because the Log window is already at the front or the log file could not be opended.
Open the Log window.
Use this menu to bring a window to the front.
View the current listing by Path order, or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Machine order, or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Zone order (distance from you), or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Date order, or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Size order, or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Name order, or set the default view order.
View the current listing by Kind order (file/folder), or set the default view order.
Use this menu to change the way items are displayed in the front window or to set the default order items are displayed.
Transfers will be done in MacBinary mode.
Tranfers will be done in Binary mode. This may damage any text files you transfer.
Tranfers will be done in Text (ASCII) mode. This will destroy any binary or MacBinary files you transfer.
Anarchie will choose the mode (text, binary, or MacBinary) for transfers (uploads and downloads).
Delete the selected file or folder. Not available because you haven’t selected a file to delete.
Delete the selected file or folder from the FTP site.
Display the parent directory. Not available because the front window is not a directory listing.
Display the parent directory.
Send an FTP command. Not available because the front window is not a directory listing.
Send an FTP command to the FTP site listed in the front window.
Make a directory. Not available because the front window is not a directory listing.
Make a directory in the FTP directory listed in the front window.
Rename a file or directory. Not available because the front window is not a directory listing.
Rename a file or directory in the FTP directory listed in the front window.
Put a file to the FTP site. Not available because the front window is not a directory listing.
Put a file to the FTP directory listed in the front window.
View the selected file. Not available because there is nothing selected.
View the selected file in your favourite text editor. This is also useful for getting text files.
Get the selected file or listing. Not available because there is nothing selected.
Get the selected file or listing from an FTP site. The “return” key is often a shortcut for this command.
Get a file from an FTP site. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Get a file or listing from an FTP site. You must enter the host name and path of the file
Use this menu to manipulate FTP files, directories and sites.
Not available because the Preferences window is already at the front.
Open the Preferences window.
Open the Firewall window in Internet Config.
Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Fetch the definitive server lists (UMich, Info-Mac and Archie) from an FTP site.
Not available because a query is already in progress.
Manually query the SIVC server at to find out if there is a newer version of Anarchie available. Anarchie will periodically do this automatically for you if you allow it to.
Find the next matching entry.
Not available because the front window cannot be searched.
Find a matching entry in the window.
Not available because you can’t select anything in the front window or because you already have selected everything.
Select the entire contents of the front window.
Removes the selected text. Not available because nothing that can be deleted is selected.
Remove the selected text or delete log entries. The text is lost forever.
Not available because nothing appropriate is in the clipboard or because you can’t paste anything into the current selection.
Puts the current contents of the clipboard into the current selection.
Not available because nothing is selected.
Copies the selected item into the clipboard. With the option key down, this will often copy as a simple URL.
Not available because no text is selected.
Cuts or removes the selected text. The text is put into the clipboard.
Not available because the last operation cannot be undone.
Undoes the previous text command.
Use this menu to work with text or to set preferences.
Quit “Anarchie”.
Not available because there is no window to close.
Close the front window. Hold down the option key to close all windows.
Save the front window to a text file. Not available because the front window does not support listings.
Save the front window to a text file which you can import into a spreadsheet or word processor.
Save a bookmark (or bookmark list) for the front window. Not available because the front window does not support bookmarks.
Save a bookmark (or bookmark list) for later use. The bookmark refers to either the current selection or, if there is no selection, the front window.
Open the bookmarks window. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Open a window listing all the bookmarks in the Bookmarks folder.
Open a saved bookmark file. Not available because there is not enough free memory.
Open a saved bookmark file and fetch the results. Hold down the control key to edit the request before acting on it.
Retry a failed operation. Not available because the front window cannot be retried.
Retry a failed “Get” or “Archie” operation. Hold down the control key to edit the request before retrying.
Search for a file by querying the MacSearch engine hosted by Ambrosia. This will quickly and reliably find files on UMich or Info-Mac mirrors.
Search for a file. Not available because there is already a Search window open.
Search for a file by querying an Archie server. This is not particularly reliable.
Use this menu to search for files and save bookmarks and listings.
Click this to display another Tip.
Click this to close the Tips window.
The search will go backwards starting before the first selected item. Search Again continues backwards. Shift-Search Again will search forwards. Shift-Find will go backwards by default.
The search will go forward starting after the last selected item. Search Again continues forward. Shift-Search Again will search backwards.
All matching entries will be selected.
Only the first entry will be found.
Type in the text to search for.
Click this button to close the window without finding anything.
Click this button to find an entry in the listing.
Type the text of your query here (it is a regular expression).
Click this to visit the web site at the address shown. This is the Mac Search engine you are using, and you should thank the people responsible for providing such a useful server!
Type the password here.
Click this to use this as the password.
The specified index string will be used to search the FTP site (if it supports SITE INDEX).
Click here to try indexing the FTP site (type a search string into the second field). Command-4 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to a text file. If the path leads to a directory then you will get an error.
Click here if the path leads to a text file you wish to view. Command-3 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to a file or directory you wish to download. If the path leads to a directory then the entire directory will be downloaded.
Click here if the path leads to a file or directory you wish to download. Command-2 is a shortcut for this.
The specified path should lead to directory you want to list. If the path leads to file then you will get a listing window with just that file in it.
Click here if the path leads to a directory you want to list. Command-1 is a shortcut for this.
Type a password here eg “oihhlkhu”. Leave the field blank for anonymous FTP. Characters will be displayed as “•”.
Type a username here eg “fred”. Leave the field blank for anonymous FTP.
Type a path here eg “/stairways/0Programs.txt”.
Type a host name here eg “”.
This button saves this fetch command into a bookmark document. Not available because you have not specified a valid host and path.
Click this button to save this fetch command into a bookmark document.
Click this button to close the window without fetching a file or listing.
This buttons fetches the specified file or listing. Not available because you have not specified a valid host and path, or you don’t have enough free memory.
Click this button to fetch the file, directory, index or listing.
Fetch compatibility mode is enabled. Fun, hey?
Fetch compatibility mode is disabled. Don’t you like animated animals?
You have enabled SIVC version checking. Anarchie can periodically check in with the SIVC server over the Internet and inform you when new versions are released.
You have disabled SIVC version checking. Anarchie will not periodically check in with the SIVC server over the Internet and inform you when new versions are released.
You have paid for this copy of “Anarchie”. Thanks!!!
You have not paid for this copy of “Anarchie”. Launch the Register program that comes with Anarchie to get details about registering. Please register, future versions of this program depend on your support.
This displays the country code of the country in which Anarchie thinks you are located. Anarchie uses this to calculate the Zone value in listing windows.
Anarchie will beep when a transfer is finished if it is in the background and the file will not be post processed.
Anarchie will not beep when a transfer is finished.
Anarchie will post process fetched files using the Internet Config File Mapping settings.
Anarchie will not send fetched files to any post processing application.
Anarchie will open the bookmark listing window when it is launched.
Anarchie will not open the bookmark listing window when it is launched.
Click here to launch Internet Config to configure other settings like your Email address and prefered fonts.
Click this to discard any changes you have made since you last saved the preferences.
Click this to save the preferences.
Type the raw FTP protocol command here.
Click this to send the line as a raw FTP protocol command.
Type the name of the new directory here.
Click this to make the new directory.
Type the new name for the file or directory here.
Click this to cancel the operation.
Click this to rename the selected file or directory.
This window will be opened when Anarchie is launched.
This window will not be opened when Anarchie is launched.
Type the maximum number of matching entries to be returned by the query here.
The query will be case-sensitive, thus “frog” and “FROG” will be considered different.
The query will be case-insensitive, thus “Frog”, “frog” and “FROG” will be considered the same.
The Find string is interpreted as a regular expression and the query returns entries that match the regex. Regexes are too complicated to explain here.
Click this to use a regular expression matching query.
The Find string is interpreted as a pattern and the query returns entries that match the pattern. * matches any sequences of characters, ? matches any single character.
Click this to use a pattern matching query.
The query will be a simple sub-string match. It will return any entry whose name contains the Find string.
Click this to use a sub-string matching query.
Type the text of your query here.
Type the name of the Archie server to query here. Alternatively you can select a server from the popup menu.
Use this popup menu to select a server from a list of common servers.
Click this to save this query into a bookmark document.
Click this to close the window without starting a search.
Click this to begin the search.
Click here to go to the Stairways web site.
Click here to email us if you have problems. Generally we can’t help much with problems with your life (we have enough problems ourselves!), but we’ll try to help anyway.
This displays a randomly chosen name of someone who helped in the creation of Anarchie.
This displays how much you have used Anarchie.
Click here to launch Register to pay for Anarchie or other Stairways programs.
Anarchie is shareware. Please pay your shareware fee so that we can continue making afordable, high quality programs.